About us

Our objective of opening of Siva Shivani  ITI Training Institute is providing technical manpower to industries. These persons are trained in basic skills required to do jobs of say operator or a craftsman. The course in ITI is designed in way to impart basic skill in the trade specified.

The institute will strive to inculcate quality skill in young minds, prepare them for the dynamic global technological environment, create proactive technical acumen with adequate knowledge and develop them to socially responsible technical professionals.


1. Building front view:

2. About Institute:-

a Name of the Institute Siva Shivani Pvt ITI
b Address of the Institute Turkapally, Nalgonda Dist
c Date of Establishment
d DGET File Referene No: DGET 12/1/2012-TC
e Code Allotted by DGET SCIR-13/8/2012
f Contact No.s 08685-233277
g Mobile No 8008002219
h E mail ID sivashivaniiti@gmail.com
i Location-Rural/Urban RURAL
j Aproach/How to Reach Near Turkapally X Road

3. Introduction of the Institute with the Mission Statement and Objective

a. History of the institute:

We the Society members of JAYA MOHANA EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY Regd. No. 360/2007 Date. 27.02.2007 solicit to state that the so society is functioning at MIG-346 Balaji nagar, Hyderabad and having peaceful accommadation to grant private ITI in the name of SIVA SHIVANI PRIVATE I.T.I which is located turkapally village, Nalgonda Dist in Tribal area and it is about 60km from Hyderabad and industries are located 20km range of the institute.

This institute has already affliated 1+1 in the year of 2012 presently the society is decided to introduce the some more trades and units as the local need that is electrican 2+2+2, fitter 2+2+2 and diesel mechanic 1+1+1.

The institution has been established in 2012 to provide unemployed tribal area people.

b. Managing Society/Trust/Company etc :

Jaya Mohana Educational Society

Name of the Society/Trust/Company etc Jaya Mohana Educational Society
Registration Number and its validity 360/2007


c. Name of the Chairman and members:

Name & Designation Father’s Name Address Mobile No UID No Whether member of any other Society/Trust/ Company If answer of Column 6 is yes, Please Furnish Detail
Ch.Jayanthi(President) Anjaiah MIG-346, Balaji Nagar, Kukatpally 8886900345 NO  


4. Admission Criteria:

Candidates are selected through Dist Convener on the Merit of SSC Marks Basis

Name of the Trade (NCVT) Duration of Training Eligibility Qualification
Elelctrician 2 Years SSC


5. Trade Affiliated to NCVT and SCVT:

Name of the Trade (Linked to the respective syllabus with DGET website) No. of Units Shifts Running (I/II/III) Seating capacity per Unit Total Seating Capacity Affilliation Date/Copy of DGET order Link (SCANNED)
Electrician 2 I & II 20 13/8/2012


6. Summary of Trades affiliated to NCVT:

Trade Name Shift Intake Capacity Total No of Units DGET order No Remarks
1st 2nd 3rd
Electricity 20 20 40 DGET 12/1/2012-TC


7. Faculty (Technical Staff)

S.No Name Designation Qualification (Class 10thonwards) Trade Date of Joining Regular/Adhoc/ Contract CTI trainees (Yes/No) Photo link
1 G.Mohan Superndent/Principal Diploma, Electronic Engg Administration 01/02/2012 Regular YES
2 G.L.Prasanna Training Officer B.Tech, EEE Electrician 10/04/2014 Regular NO
3 Drawing Istructor G.S.Ashok Kumar Diploma, Mechanical Electrician 12/05/2014 Regular NO
4 Mathematics Instructor P.Praveen Diploma,EEE Electrician 05/05/2014 Regular NO
5 Instructor Theory V.Pandurangachari B.Tech,EEE Electrician 09/05/2014 Regular NO
6 Instructor Practical R Sai Charan Diploma, EEE Electrician 05/05/2014 Regular NO


8. Administrative staff

S.No Name of staff Designation Date of joining
1 P.Divya Kumari Accountant 03/05/2014
2 G.Sowmya Clerk 18/05/2014


9. (a) Infrastructure, Building and Workshop

S.No Ownership Documents/Lease agreement for rented building In Square Meters
a Total Area 25000sqm
b Covered Area 858sqm
c Total Class Rooms Area 116sqm
d Total Workshop Area 492sqm
e Computer Lab 31sqm
f Play Area Above 1000sqm
g Library 31 sqm


9. (b) Trade Specific Infrastructure, Building and Workshop:

Trade Unit Class Room Area per Unit Total Class Room Area for Trade Workshop area per Unit Total Workshop area per Trade Remarks (Photographs etc)
Electrician 2 21 116sqm 100sqm 200sqm


10. Electric Power Supply:

Present Electric Load (in kw) 16
Date of Connection June 2011
Connection in the name of Siva Shivani Pvt ITI
Meter No. 5209401014